Out of my Comfort Zone

Usually I paint from some sort of photographic reference or even real life occasionally. I was advised to step out of my comfort zone when I was heard grumbling about not being able to think of something to paint. This is probably the closest that artists get to writer’s block.

So I started with a reference of a single horse which I duplicated, changing the colour of the second one. I put them in in a rough form.

I started on the background which I began with a coat of burnt sienna, diluted down. I let that go hard overnight, and then gave a glaze of lamp black, dabbing some out with paper towel to give cloud shapes. Lamp black is quite smoky looking and I like the effect it gives to winter clouds. Again I let that dry naturally overnight.

The clouds needed to go darker. I mixed Ultramarine Blue and Light Red and started from the top, adding more red as I reached the horizon line. I let that dry hard whilst I figured out what to do next. Remember I was on my own with no safety net!

I felt that the horizon could do with storm clouds rising. I used another mix of the red and the blue. The clouds didn’t work so they turned into distant hills which worked better

And that is where we are for now

4 thoughts on “Out of my Comfort Zone

  1. The painting looks quite well done, Monsieur. Whoever heard you grumbling deserves a thanks for the good advice. However, if I remember correctly I did send you a couple of images that were clearly out of your comfort zone. A lighthouse. A cathedral window. A colourful bird in a park. Could you try one of those to get out of the artist’s block?

    From my own experience, when I get writer’s block because I feel drained after completing a chapter, I usually take a long break and let it flow out of my system. Maybe this will help. You could do something else for a change and come back later to see if the block is over.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes they would. Thanks Farzana. I am sorry to say that I can’t retrieve them which is my fault as I should have saved them at the time. The lighthouse especially would be interesting. Do you still have it? Embarrassed to ask after you went to so much trouble.
      Your advice about unlocking writer’s block is good coming from a writer. Thanks

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sent you the lighthouse image. Check your email.

    Also could you please review that poem I sent you? I’m beginning to suspect it’s horrible but you are being polite to save me the unpleasantness.


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